Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Foreign suicide bombers detained in Nangarhar province

Jalalabad District is located in the north-wes...
Districts of Nangarhar Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Afghan Intelligence (National Directorate for Security) arrested two Pakistani suspected suicide bombers in eastern Nangarhar province.

A spokesman for the Afghan National Directorate for Security Lotfullah Mashal following a press conference on Tuesday said the two suicide bombers were looking to carry out suicide bomb blast at Marco Market in Ghani Khel district.

Mr. Mashal further added Afghan intelligence forces detained the two suicide bombers based on intelligence report.

The two suicide bombers were recognized as Adnan and Sohail Khan and were detained along with suicide vests, Mashal said adding that the two individuals are residents of Momand Agency in tribal regions of Pakistan.

Lotfullah Mashal Afghan NDS spokesman also said the suicide bombing plot was made by a Pakistani militant leader Qari Abdul Wali.

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