Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24., 2012. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – In Kajaki district, Helmand province, an Afghan and coalition security force conducted a security operation Monday.

As a result of the operation, the Afghan and coalition security force discovered several narcotics production facilities and destroyed 1,410 kilograms (3,102 pounds) of poppy seed, 220 kilograms (484 pounds) of wet opium, 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of ammonium nitrate and drug production equipment.

During the operation, the security force was engaged by multiple insurgents. The force returned fire and killed several of the insurgents.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


In Argo district, Badakhshan province, an Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, detained an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan facilitator and several other insurgents during an operation today. The IMU facilitator was responsible for acquiring and transporting explosive materials and improvised explosive devices for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout the district.


In Shorabak district, Kandahar province, coalition forces discovered an improvised explosive cache consisting of 2,273 kilograms (5,000 pounds) of homemade explosives and several main charges today. All materials were destroyed on site without incident.

A combined Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation in Zharay district, Kandahar province, yesterday. During the operation the security force discovered an explosives cache that consisted of 12 IEDs, two mines and seven jugs filled with homemade explosives.


An Afghan and coalition security force detained a Haqqani leader during an operation in Jaji district, Paktiya province, today. The leader coordinated roadside bombings and indirect fire attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces throughout the district. He also provided weapons and IEDs to the insurgents under his control. During the operation, multiple armed insurgents engaged the security force. The security force returned fire and after determining there were no civilians in the area requested a precision airstrike. A follow-on assessment of the area determined several insurgents were killed, and there were no civilian injuries or damage to civilian property.

In Baraki Barak district, Logar province, an Afghan and coalition security force detained a Taliban facilitator and one other insurgent during an operation today. The facilitator supplied weapons, ammunition and equipment to insurgents for attacks against Afghan and coalition troops.

An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to detain a Taliban leader in Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district, Ghazni province, today. The leader plans and conducts roadside bombings against Afghan and coalition security forces along Highway 1. The security force detained several suspected insurgents as a result of this operation.

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