Sunday, May 20, 2012

US drone strike kills 2 AQAP fighters in central Yemen

The US killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in a drone airstrike in central Yemen yesterday as fighting for control of major towns and cities in the south heats up.

The unmanned Predators or the more heavily armed Reapers struck a convoy in the central province of Baydah yesterday afternoon, killing a Yemeni and a Somali fighter, according to AFP. The identities of those killed have not been disclosed, and AQAP has not released a statement confirming or denying the deaths.

Somali fighters from Shabaab are reported to have entered Yemen to support al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and its political front, Ansar al Sharia, as AQAP attempts to consolidate control in the south and fight the military. On April 11, Yemeni officials claimed that Somalis, Saudis, and Pakistanis were among those killed during fighting in Lawdar in Abyan province. And on April 21, the military claimed that 10 Saudi and three Somali fighters were killed while fighting in Abyan.

Baydah province is known to have an AQAP presence. The terror group seized control of Rada'a in Baydah in January but later withdrew after negotiating a peace agreement with the local government.

The Yemeni government has launched a major offensive designed to clear AQAP from the larger cities and towns in southern Yemen. Hundreds of civilians, AQAP fighters, and Yemeni troops have been killed during fighting over the past week. Yemeni troops have clashed with AQAP fighters outside of Lawdar, and claimed to have ejected the terror group from the city. Yemeni troops are also engaged in fighting with AQAP fighters outside of Jaar, and officials have said they expect to defeat AQAP there within days. Heavy fighting has been reported in Zinjibar, the provincial capital of Abyan, which has been under AQAP control for one year.

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