Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 Taliban insurgents killed and 17 others detained

KABUL, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Afghan police and army, backed by the NATO-led coalition forces, have killed 10 Taliban insurgents and detained 17 others in different provinces in the past 24 hours, the Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

"Afghan National Police (ANP), Afghan Army and NATO-led coalition forces launched nine joint cleanup operations in Kunar, Kunduz, Kandahar, Zabul, Uruzgan, Logar, Paktia, Helmand and Nimroz provinces, killing 10 armed Taliban insurgents and detaining 17 others over the past 24 hours," the ministry said in a statement.

They also confiscated six AK-47 guns, one PKM machine gun, 22 heavy rounds, two hand grenades, 50 kg ammonium nitrate, four motorcycles and one vehicle during the above raids, the statement added.

The statement didn't say if there were any casualties on the side of security forces.

Separately, the ANP found and defused seven mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) as a result of security operations in eastern Nangarhar and western Herat provinces in the same period of time, according to the statement.

The Taliban militants stepped up their attacks on Afghan and NATO-led troops since a spring offensive was launched in May in the war-ravaged country.

2012-08-29 13:11:20

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