Friday, August 24, 2012

DOD Identifies Units For Upcoming Afghanistan Rotation

DOD Identifies Units For Upcoming Afghanistan Rotation

             The Department of Defense today identified three major units to deploy as part of the upcoming rotation of forces operating in Afghanistan.  The scheduled rotation involves three brigade combat teams (BCT) -- one Infantry brigade combat team with roughly 2,800 personnel; one armored brigade combat team with roughly 4,000 personnel and one infantry brigade combat team with roughly 2,870 personnel -- to rotate in winter 2012.  The deploying units include:

            Brigade Combat Teams:

            1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.

            1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss, Texas.

            2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, N.Y.

            DoD will continue to announce major deployments as they are approved.  For information on the respective deployments, contact the following: 1st IBCT, 101st Abn. Div. (Air Assault), contact the 101st Abn. Div. (Air Assault) public affairs officer at 270-798-9962.  1st ABCT, 1st Armored Div., contact the 1st Armored Div. public affairs officer at 915-744-8406. 2nd IBCT, 10th Mtn. Div., contact the 10th Mtn. Div. public affairs officer at 315-772-7634.
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