Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Missile attack in capital Kabul, 1 killed 2 injured

According to Afghan security officials, a number of missiles were fired in capital Kabul early Tuesday morning.

Kabul security chief Gen. Ayoub Salangi confirming the report said the missiles were fired from Deh-sabz district and landed in the 9th and 10th districts of capital Kabul near the International Airport.

He said at least 1 civilian was killed and 2 others were injured following the missile attack while they were travelling in a car near an Afghan intelligence compound in the 16th district.

He also said, a missile landed in the compound of a private TV station but no was killed or injured.

In the meantime Kabul security commandment in a statement announced at least 4 missiles were fired in capital Kabul on Tuesday, killing at least 1 civilian and injuring four others.

The source further added the incident took place around 6:40 am and two of the missiles landed near the Kabul airport, 1 near the Shamshad TV compound and the fourth one hit a vehicle in the 9th district.

No group has so far claimed responsibility behind the missile attack.

By Sajad - Tue Nov 13, 8:39 am

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