Tuesday, February 26, 2013

R.I.P. - Staff Sgt. Jonathan D. Davis

DOD Identifies Marine Casualty

            The Department of Defense announced today the death of a Marine who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

            Staff Sgt. Jonathan D. Davis, 34, of Kayenta, Ariz., died Feb. 22 while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was assigned to Headquarters Battalion, 32nd Georgian Liaison Team, Regimental Combat Team 7, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.

            For more information media may contact the 1st Marine Division Public Affairs Office at 760-725-8766.


from utsandiego:
By Nathan Max
12:46 p.m.Feb. 25, 2013

 A Camp Pendleton-based Marine has been killed while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan, the Defense Department announced Monday.

Staff Sgt. Jonathan D. Davis, 34, of Kayenta, Ariz., died Friday in Helmand Province. He was assigned to Headquarters Battalion, 32nd Georgian Liaison Team, Regimental Combat Team 7, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force.

Davis enlisted in the Marine Corps on Oct. 21, 1997, and he served as a motor transport operations chief.

During his more than 15 years in the Marine Corps, he was awarded a Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal, the NATA Medal-ISAF Afghanistan, the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal.

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