Thursday, November 10, 2011

More than 60 Taliban fighters have been killed in an attack on a Nato outpost

More than 60 Taliban fighters have been killed in an attack on a Nato outpost in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika, local officials say. Nato confirmed aircraft and ground forces had repelled Tuesday's attack on the Bermal outpost but it could not give any specific casualty details. The local officials said there were no coalition or civilian casualties. Separately an Afghan soldier seriously injured three Australian troops after firing on them in Uruzgan province. Nato is gradually handing security over to Afghans ahead of a full...

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Afghanistan – touch down in flight

Afghanistan – touch down in flight from Augustin Pictures on Vimeo. As each of us has his own impression of Afghanistan that is predominantly marked with pictures of foreign forces, explosions and terror, we were privileged to have access to capture daily life and portrait some people of Afghanistan. We hope the pictures you know will merge with the pictures you see...

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