Thursday, October 25, 2012

Isaf Solider Killed in Insider Attack in Uruzgan on Thursday

An Afghan police officer on Thursday turned his weapon against Isaf forces in southern Uruzgan province, killing one soldier and wounding another, local officials told TOLOnews. Isaf Joint Command confirmed one coalition soldier was "killed in action" in Afghanistan's south but it could not confirm or deny the attack was done by an Afghan police officer. TOLOnews reported...

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British troops killed in friendly fire in southern Afghanistan

According to local authorities in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan, British troops based in southern Helmand province killed two of their comrades in a friendly fire in this province. Provincial security chief spokesman Farid Ahmad Farhang confirming the report said the incident took place in Greshk district while British troops were patrolling in the area. Mr....

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Seven people killed in attacks in Iraq

BAGHDAD, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Seven people were killed and 13 wounded in separate bomb and gunfire attacks mainly targeting the security forces in central and northern Iraq on Wednesday, the police said.In Baghdad, gunmen using silenced weapons shot dead two soldiers at an Iraqi army checkpoint in the city's western district of Mansour, an interior ministry source told Xinhua...

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R.I.P. - Chief Warrant Officer Michael S. Duskin

DOD Identifies Army Casualty             The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.             Chief Warrant Officer Michael S. Duskin, 42, of Orange Park, Fla., died Oct. 23, in Chak District,...

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Afghan insider attacks will increase – Taliban

Taliban insurgents will increase the number of insider attacks against coalition and Afghan forces, which have resulted in the deaths of at least 52 foreign troops so far this year, the movement’s reclusive leader said on Wednesday.In an emailed statement congratulating Muslims as they prepare to celebrate the Eid al-Adha holiday, Mullah Mohammad Omar urged “every brave...

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Oct. 25., 2012. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan - Afghan and coalition located two weapons caches and cleared four improvised explosive devices during operations in eastern Afghanistan throughout the past 24 hours, Oct. 24. Kabul Province Afghan National Army soldiers found and safely cleared an IED in Sarobi District. Kapisa Province Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces discovered...

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Royal Marine and British soldier killed in Afghanistan

Royal Marine and a soldier from 3 Medical Regiment killed in Afghanistan A Military Operations news article 24 Oct 12 It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must announce the deaths of a Royal Marine from 40 Commando Royal Marines and a soldier from 3 Medical Regiment on Wednesday 24 October 2012. They died from...

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