Wednesday, February 27, 2013

American Shabaab fighter urges Muslims to join the 'fronts' of jihad

by Bill Roggio - February 27, 2013. -  LWJ  A previously unidentified American who fights in the ranks of Shabaab, al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia, appeared on a videotape and urged Muslims to join one of the numerous fronts of the global jihad. The American, who is identified as Abu Ahmed al Amriki, is seen on a videotape that was produced by Shabaab's media...

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Ansar al-Sharia returns to Benghazi

(AFP/Intel Center) Once forced out of Benghazi by public anger,Ansar al-Sharia is now resuming security patrols The radical militia suspected of carrying out the terrorist attack on the US consulate is now back in Benghazi, residents say. Five months after Benghazi residents drove out extremist militias from the city centre, members of the Islamist Ansar al-Sharia brigade...

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Swiss woman kidnapped by al-Qaida freed in Yemen

SANAA, Feb. 27 (Xinhua) -- A Swiss woman kidnapped by the al- Qaida wing in Yemen for one year was released on Wednesday, an official of the Yemeni Interior Ministry told Xinhua."Sylvia Abrahat, the Swiss teacher who worked in an English- language school in the western port city of al-Hodayda and was snatched by al-Qaida militants in March last year was freed Wednesday by...

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Afghan police officer drugs, kills 17 colleagues

An Afghan police officer drugged 17 colleagues and shot them dead on Wednesday with the aid of the Taliban, police said, the latest in a series of so-called "insider", or green-on-blue, attacks involving Afghan security forces and the Taliban.The attacks have undermined trust between coalition and Afghan forces who are under mounting pressure to contain the Taliban insurgency...

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Suicide blast rock capital Kabul, 8 injured

A heavy explosion rocked capital Kabul early Wednesday morning. The incident took place in Kart-e-Seh area in west of Kabul city near Sara-e-Ghazni area. Preliminary reports suggest the explosion took place as a result of a suicide bomb blas and the target of the bomber was a vehicle convoy of the Afghan army. In the meantime Gen. Zahir Azimi, spokesman for the Afghan...

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Seven Killed in Northern Mali Suicide Bombing

A suicide bombing has killed at least seven people in the northern Mali town of Kidal, near the scene of heavy fighting between French troops and Islamist militants.The MNLA, a Tuareg separatist group now working with the French, says a bomber in a four-by-four vehicle blew himself up at one of its checkpoints late Tuesday. The MNLA says the attack killed seven of its fighters...

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In Several Joint Clearance Operations, Three Armed Taliban Killed (Feb.27.2013.)

Publish Date: Feb 27, 2013 In Several Joint Clearance Operations, Three Armed Taliban Killed Counterterrorism: In past 24 hours, Afghan National Police conducted several joint clearance operations with the cooperation of Afghan National Army, NDS and Coalition Forces to clean some of the areas from terrorists and enemies of...

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Feb. 27., 2013. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan - Afghan and coalition forces discovered one weapons cache and cleared two improvised explosive devices during operations in eastern Afghanistan throughout the past 24 hours, Feb. 26. Parwan province Coalition forces discovered a weapons cache during an operation in Bagram district. The cache contained 20 rockets and six cases of gunpowder. Nangarhar...

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