
just collecting the daily military releated news
sharing nice photos, cool videos, and special stories about the Armed Forces Members

This site contains materials from other clearly stated media sources for the purpose of discussion stimulation and content enrichment among our members only.
The sgt-jim.blogspot.com does not necessarily endorse their views or the accuracy of their content. 

Collecting news for current conflicts, the War On Terror, including both Iraq,Afghanistan and others. The News consists of open source reporting, analysis, opinion, and commentary from news organizations, think tanks, blogs, and other sources. These are articles of interest; the staff of the blog does not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the reporting, analysis, opinion, and commentary. The News section is updated throughout the day.

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Bob Bergdahl, the father of current POW, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl speaks Out!

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YouTube: mag12chulai
God Bless America

hi, i want to contact you, please tell me your e.mail address, mine is masood56@hotmail.com

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