Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Foreign suicide bombers detained in Nangarhar province

Districts of Nangarhar Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Afghan Intelligence (National Directorate for Security) arrested two Pakistani suspected suicide bombers in eastern Nangarhar province.A spokesman for the Afghan National Directorate for Security Lotfullah Mashal following a press conference on Tuesday said the two suicide bombers were looking to carry out suicide...

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11 al-Qaida militants, 12 soldiers killed in fighting in Yemen's south

ADEN, Yemen, May 21 (Xinhua) -- A total of 11 al-Qaida militants and 12 government soldiers were killed during fresh battles in Yemen's southern province of Abyan on Monday, a military official said.The fierce battles erupted following an attack launched by al- Qaida militants against an army base in Bajdar, north of Zinjibar, the provincial capital city of Abyan, leaving...

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May 22., 2012. - ISAF Joint Command Evening Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan and coalition security force detained a Haqqani facilitator during an operation in Bak district, Khost province, May 22. The facilitator supplied weapons, ammunition and improvised explosive devices to insurgents for attacks against Afghan and coalition troops throughout the district. The security force also detained several additional...

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Five family members killed and four more wounded in two Baquba blasts

ERBIL, May 22 (AKnews) - Five family members were killed and four others were injured when two al-Sahua houses blew up in Baquba today. Head of the security committee in Baquba Council Qahtan Jasim said unknown armed men detonated one bomb each in front of two houses of al-Sahua members in al-Katun neighborhood. Jasim said three family members were killed and two...

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3 armed insurgents killed, 1 wounded and 8 others arrested by ANP

Publish Date: May 22, 2012 Three armed insurgents killed, one wounded and eight others arrested by Afghan National Police Counterterrorism: During the past 24 hours, Afghan National Police, Afghan National Army, NDS and Coalition Forces launched 10 joint clearance operations in Faryab, Kandahar, Helmand, Uruzgan, Ghazni and...

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7 Afghan soldiers killed following militants attacks

At least 7 Afghan national army soldiers were killed and 4 others were injured following militants attack in eastern and south-eastern regions of the country.Afghan defense ministry following a statement on Tuesday announced 11 Afghan national army soldiers were killed or injured following militants attack and roadside bomb explosions at Paktia, Paktika, Maidan Wardak and...

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R.I.P. - Spc. Samuel T. Watts

DOD Identifies Army Casualty             The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.             Spc. Samuel T. Watts, 20, of Wheaton, Ill., died May 19, in Bethesda, Md., of wounds sustained...

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Somalia: Four Kenyan Soldiers Wounded in Mandera Landmine Blast

Map showing the distribution of the Afro-Asiatic Somali language in the Horn of Africa. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Nairobi — Four Kenyan soldiers were wounded Monday when a landmine exploded beneath their vehicle in the northeastern Mandera region bordering war-torn Somalia, police said."Officers have been injured, we have sent a team to investigate," regional police chief...

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R.I.P. - Sgt. Michael J. Knapp, Sgt. Jabraun S. Knox

DOD Identifies Army Casualties             The Department of Defense announced today the death of two soldiers who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.             They died May 18, in Asadabad, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked...

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