Thursday, December 15, 2011

8 militants killed in Afghan military operations

Thursday, December 15, 2011 – Officials in the ministry of interior affairs of Afghanistan following a press release on Thursday said, at least eight militants were killed and three others following military operations across the country during the past 24 hours. The source further added, the militants were killed in four separate joint military operations in Herat,...

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Roadside bomb kills eight civilians in Farah province

Thursday, December 15, 2011 – According to local authorities in western Afghanistan, at least eight Afghan civilians were killed following a roadside bomb explosion in western Farah province. Farah provincial security chief Ghulam Ghous confirming the incident said, the incident took place on late Wednesday night after a civilian vehicle struck with a roadside bomb...

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Abducted police officers freed in Badakhshan province

Image via WikipediaThursday, December 15, 2011 – Security officials in north-eastern Badakhshan province on Thursday announced the release of at least 10 abducted Afghan police officers. Taliban militants following an ambush around a week ago kidnapped at least 10 Afghan police officers in Badakhshan province. At least 3 Afghan police members were killed and 3 others were...

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8 family members killed and injured in Baghlan province

Thursday, December 15, 2011 – At least eight members of a family were killed and injured an armed men ambush in northern Baghlan province. The incident took place while an Afghan family was returning to Pul-e-Khumri city from Nahrin district on Wednesday evening. At least three family members were killed and five others including women and children were injured during...

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Let's talk about brave troops in Afghanistan & Iraq instead of Lindsay Lohan

an article from "The Unknown Soldiers" blog, and "Travis Manion Foundation" This story, written by Sgt. John Ortiz, is readily available to the public. Any news organization could have picked it up and relayed this important story from the front lines to the American public. Instead, some reporters and producers opted to talk about Lindsay Lohan's missing purse...

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Ex-Taliban deny reports of Qatar-office

KABUL, Afghanistan — An ex-Taliban envoy said on Thursday that he had no knowledge of plans by the Afghan insurgents to set up a political office in Qatar, even though media reports billed him as a potential chief of a possible Taliban mission in the tiny Gulf state.By opening an office, the Taliban would indicate a willingness to talk peace after 10 years of war in...

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Dec. 15., 2011. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – A combined Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation in search of a Taliban leader in Panjwa’i district, Kandahar province, today. The leader directs a cell of fighters and moves heavy weaponry, including machine guns, throughout central Kandahar. During the operation, an armed individual opened fire on the security force with a...

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R.I.P. - Major Sam Griffith

US Marines Major Sam Griffith was killed in action in Afghanistan by enemy fire while on a routine patrol. 36-year-old Major Griffith served with the 4th Anglico, an air naval gunfire company based in West Palm Beach. The Marine Reservist was on his third deployment to Afghanistan. Military officials confirmed his death on Wednesday but did not say how he died. Lt. Col....

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