Saturday, November 19, 2011

Libyans Capture Seif al-Islam Qaddaffi

TRIPOLI, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Saif al-Islam, son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, was captured in Sebha in southern Libya, an officer at the military council announced in Libya's capital of Tripoli on Saturday. "We have captured Saif," said Bobkar Bobmala, a military officer of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) told reporters at a press conference,...

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Two key Taliban financiers and facilitators captured in Kandahar

KANDAHAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan – In an operation that lasted just 40 minutes, Afghan and coalition security forces captured a Taliban financier and improvised explosive device facilitator in eastern Zharay district Nov. 17. The Afghan army and national police planned, rehearsed and led the operation. Afghan soldiers with the 3rd Kandak, 3rd Brigade, 205th Corps, partnered...

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Nov. 19., 2011. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

2011-11-S-033 ISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan For Immediate Release KABUL, Afghanistan (Nov. 19, 2011) — A combined Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation in search of an al-Qaida network facilitator in Sayyidabad district, Wardak province, Friday. The facilitator trained insurgents and worked as a courier. He delivered messages and transported...

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Operation Gratitude Comforts Children of Deployed Service Members

Caydance Thompson helps her parent unload a pallet of Battalion Buddies. Battalion Buddies are stuffed animals distributed to deploying service members to give to their children as a parting gift. (U.S. Air Force photo by Adrian Rowan) DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del.  - As many Team Dover members know, deployments not only take a toll on the service members...

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R.I.P. - Spc. Sean M. Walsh

Nov.18. - DOD Identifies Army Casualty             The Department of Defense announced today the death of a soldier who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.             Spc. Sean M. Walsh, 21, of San Jose, Calif., died Nov. 16, in Khowst province, Afghanistan, of injuries sustained after encountering indirect fire.  He was assigned to the 185th Military Police Battalion, 49th Military Police Brigade, Pittsburg, Calif.            ...

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RIP Lt David Boyce and LCpl Richard Scanlon

Lieutenant David Boyce and Lance Corporal Richard Scanlon [Picture: via MOD] Nov.18 - It is with sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Lieutenant David Alexander Grant Boyce and Lance Corporal Richard Scanlon, both from 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards were killed in Afghanistan on Thursday 17 November 2011. Both soldiers were serving with the Brigade...

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Seven Afghan children die in two blasts

Nov.18., - Eight Afghans, including seven children, have been killed in two separate blasts on Friday, officials said, the latest civilian deaths to hit the troubled country.In the first incident, four children died when a roadside bomb went off as they played near their home in Nangarhar province, near the country's eastern border with Pakistan. In the second, three...

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