Sunday, November 13, 2011

Afghan Police detained 9 suspects after convoy attack

ZABUL PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Afghan Local Police detained nine suspects after they attacked a convoy in Shah Joy district, Nov. 7.

The ALP convoy was ambushed by approximately 10 insurgent fighters while traveling from the Shah Joy bazaar to the Walan Rabat village.

Insurgents attacked the police force with machine gun and small arms fire, disabling the ALP vehicle. The ALP quickly gained fire superiority forcing the insurgents to retreat into the nearby Qal’ey ye Sarvar village.

An ALP and coalition quick reaction force team retrieved the immobile vehicle and assessed the ambush site while another ALP element arrived to search the village of Qal’eh ye Sarvar. 
During their search of the village, the ALP were again attacked by the insurgents who then retreated into nearby houses.

ALP members continued to pursue the suspects and safely detained nine personnel who were discovered hiding in the houses with suicide vests, AK-47s and bomb making materials. 
One of the insurgents was shot while trying to escape and was immediately treated by coalition Special Operations Forces medics.

A village elder later positively identified the detainees as known insurgents.

The next day, Zabul Deputy Provincial Chief of Police, Jelani and the Walan Rabat ALP Commander, Mohamedullah, sat down and individually interviewed the nine detainees. One of the detainees admitted he was an insurgent and was involved with the recent murder of an ALP member and also admitted to being involved in other ALP deaths in the area.

After interviewing all the suspects, Jelani arrested six of the detainees and released the other three to their village elder.
The six detainees were transferred to a detention facility and are currently in Afghan National Police custody.

Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan Media Operations Center
Story by Spc. Ashley Bowman

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