Monday, November 14, 2011

Suicide bomber shot dead in capital Kabul

Monday, November 14, 2011 – According to Afghan security officials, Afghan security forces managed to recognize and kill a suicide bomber before he reaches his target to storm the Afghan national grand assembly camp in capital Kabul.
The officials further added, the incident took place around 2:00 pm local time near the Loya Jirga, National Grand Assembly camp in capital Kabul.
According to reports, the incident took place while Afghan interior affairs minister Gen. Bismillah Mohammadi was visiting the area.
A spokesman for the ministry of interior affairs of Afghanistan Sediq Sediq said, Afghan security forces managed to gun down an insurgent who was trying to enter the Loya Jirga camp in Polytechnic University of Kabul.
Mr. Sediqi further added, the insurgent was equipped with the explosive devices and.
This come as the traditional Afghan Loya Jirga, national grand assembly is scheduled to be held on 16 November 2011 to discuss the strategic pact between Afghanistan and the United States of America and Afghan peace talks with the Taliban militants.
The incident near the Loya Jirga camp in Kabul capital is followed by a series of threats by the Taliban militants to target the national grand assembly.

by KHAAMA press

One suicide bomber blew himself up in the Afghan capital while another was shot dead by security forces Monday. No civilian was injured in the incidents, an official said.

Another attacker was captured by security forces close to the Loya Jirga or grand assembly venue in Kabul, Xinhua reported.

'There were three attackers who got off a car just in front of the main gate of the Loya Jirga compound. The first bomber blew himself up,' an Afghan army officer said.

The suicide blast was not powerful. The second bomber was shot dead and the third attacker was captured, he said.

The traditional four-day Loya Jirga -- an assembly of tribal elders, MPs and government officials -- is going to be held within a couple of days.

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