Saturday, December 17, 2011

2 militants detained in Afghan army operations

Districts of Wardak.Image via Wikipedia
Saturday, December 17, 2011 –  Officials in the ministry of defense of Afghanistan following a press release on Saturday said, at least two militants were arrested by Afghan national army soldiers following a military operation in eastern Wardak province.

The source further added, the operations were conducted by Afghan army soldiers after a number of militants attacked an Afghan army check post at Haft Asyab in Syedabad district of eastern Wardak province.

According to Afghan security officials, Afghan security did not suffer any casualties during the militants attack.

Afghan security forces also seized some weapons and ammunitions including a vehicle being used by the militants during the cleanup operations.

The press release by Afghan defense ministry also added, Afghan national army soldiers also seized some weapons and ammunitions from the Jalriz district of Wardak province during a separate military operations.
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