Thursday, December 15, 2011

Abducted police officers freed in Badakhshan province

Afghan Highway Police officers participate in ...Image via Wikipedia
Thursday, December 15, 2011 – Security officials in north-eastern Badakhshan province on Thursday announced the release of at least 10 abducted Afghan police officers.

Taliban militants following an ambush around a week ago kidnapped at least 10 Afghan police officers in Badakhshan province.

At least 3 Afghan police members were killed and 3 others were injured following the clashes.

Badakhshan provincial police chief Gen. Abdul Saboor Nasrati said, Afghan security forces launched an operation to rescue the abducted police officers after Taliban militants ignored several requests to free the officers.

Gen. Saboor further added, the abducted police officers were freed on Thursday morning following a joint military operation by Afghan national army, Afghan national police and Afghan National Directorate for Security forces in Wardaj district of Badakhshan province.

He also said, the abducted police officers were freed with suffering any casualties.
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