Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dec 7,1941: A Day that Lives in Infamy

On this day, in 1941, December 7th, 353 planes from 6 Japanese Aircraft Carriers launched a surprise attack on the United States Military, particularly the US Navy Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
The surprise attack came in the middle of diplomatic negotiations between the US and Japan in Washington DC, and killed 2,402 Americans and 64 Japanese, forcing the United States into war with the Axis, including both Japan & Germany, under the dictatorship of the National Socialist Party.
The intent of neutralizing the US Navy served only to awaken the Sleeping Dragon.

Until that day, anti-war protests had prevented Roosevelt's resolve to ally the US with Britain and the Soviet Union against Germany.  Not even the slaughter of 200,000 Chinese civilians by Japanese Troops at Nanking, in December 1937, had been sufficient to turn the protestors against the Japanese.

By the end of the war, Germany would count approximately 7 Million killed (in addition to the 6 Million Jews murdered) and the Japanese nearly 3 Million.  The United States suffered 418,500 killed and the British 450,900, as well as the Canadians 45,400.  The Soviets sacrificed 23.4 Million due to their use of people, soldiers and civilians alike, in human waves.  China lost between 10 and 20 Million, mostly civilians at the hands of the Japanese.

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