Thursday, December 8, 2011

Explosion targets district intelligence chief in Uruzgan

Thursday, December 08, 2011 –
According to local authorities in southern Afghanistan, at least 8 people were injured following a roadside bomb explosion in southern Uruzgan province.

The officials further added, the incident took place late Wednesday afternoon in Herawood district of southern Uruzgan province with an aim to target the district intelligence chief Ghulam Moeuddin.

According to security officials, the incident took place after explosives packed in a motorcycle went off in a market in this district.

District police chief for Herawood Gen Omer confirming the incident said, Ghulam Moeuddin and two of his bodyguards were injured following the incident.

In the meantime a spokesman for Uruzgan provincial police chief Farid Ayel said, at least five civilians were also injured during the incident.

No group including the Taliban militants have so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

Taliban militants group frequently used improvised explosive device and roadside bombs to target Afghan and coalition forces.
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