Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Two local nationals killed, seven injured by IEDs in Uruzgan

URUZGAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan – Two local nationals were killed while seven local nationals and an Afghan Security Guard were injured by insurgent emplaced improvised explosive devices in Uruzgan province, Dec. 6-7.

Afghan National Security Forces led the response to both incidents and evacuated the injured for medical treatment.

On Dec. 6, in Khod village, Shahide district, two local nationals were riding in the back of an ASG truck when the vehicle struck an IED. The local nationals were killed on impact with the IED. In the explosion, an ASG was also wounded, and fellow ASGs brought him to a coalition special operations forces base for treatment.

After receiving medical treatment, the ASG is currently in stable condition. After providing medical treatment to the wounded ASG, coalition SOF recovered the remaining pieces of the pressure plate IED and conducted a follow-on search of the area with ANSF to prevent further civilian injuries.

On Dec. 7, three National District Security members and four local nationals were injured when an IED exploded in a bazaar in Deh Rawood district.

Afghan National Police and Afghan Local Police in the area provided immediate first aid and evacuated the bazaar to prevent further injury, and afterward took the wounded to a coalition SOF base for additional medical treatment.

“The ANSF responded really well to the IED explosions ensuring those who needed treatment received it, and that others were potentially hurt by another detonation,” said a coalition SOF team member.

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