Sunday, January 1, 2012

2 NATO troops killed in Helmand province

Sunday, January 1, 2012 – 
 Officials in the Ministry of Defense of Georgia announced that at least one Georgian soldier serving under the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan was killed in southern Helmand province on Saturday.

NATO authorities in a statement confirmed that the Georgian soldier was killed in a roadside bomb explosion on Saturday.

The latest incident tolls up the number of Georgian troops casualties to 11 soldiers since they started mission in Afghanistan.

Georgia has deployed around 900 soldiers under the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. However, the parliament of Georgia recently decided to double the number of its armed forces in this country.

In the meantime, officials in the ministry of defense of United Kingdom also announced that one of its troops died in Nahr-e-Saraj district of southern Helmand province.
The officials further added, the UK soldier died of a roadside bomb explosion while he was patrolling the area.

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