Monday, February 20, 2012

R.I.P. - Petty Officer First Class Paris S. Pough

DOD Identifies Navy Casualty

            The Department of Defense announced today the death of a sailor who was supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
            Petty Officer First Class Paris S. Pough, 40, of Columbus, Ga. died Feb. 17, during a port visit in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Pough, a hull technician, was assigned to the USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), home-ported in San Diego, Calif.

            For further information related to this release, contact Cmdr. Amy Derrick-Frost at 011-973-1785-4561.


We offer our thoughts, prayers and support to the family, friends and shipmates of Hull Technician 1st Class Paris Pough who died as a result of a non-combat related incident while on liberty during a port visit in Jebel Ali, UAE February 17th. Petty Officer Pough was a vital member of this crew. He was a leader of Sailors and a hard-working, trustworthy shipmate who was critical to the success of the Engineering Department. He was also a loving father and husband. This is a loss for the entire Navy family and he was a Sailor we'll never forget onboard Carl Vinson.

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