Sunday, February 19, 2012

Two Terrorist Groups Captured in Mazar

Districts of Balkh.
Image via Wikipedia
Two groups of terrorists who intended to disrupt Afghanistan's New Year celebrations in March were captured by Afghan security forces in northern Balkh province, local officials said on Sunday.
Afghan forces are fully prepared to provide security for the New Year - or Nawroz - celebrations which will happen on March 20, Provincial Police Chief General Ismatullah Alizai said.

Insurgents are trying to disrupt the celebrations but security forces will not allow them, he added.

"One 11-men group and one 6-men group that were preparing to disrupt the Nawroz celebrations in Balkh provinces were captured." General Alizai added.

Nawroz is a traditional celebration for Farsi speaking countries in Asia marking the first day of spring. It is the start of a new year according to the solar calendar.

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