Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More than 2 tons of explosives seized in Baghlan province

Afghan police forces handed over more than 2 tons of explosives and around 20 different weapons which were seized from various regions of northern Baghlan province during the past one year, to Disarmament of Illegal Armed Groups (DIAG) project.

Local security forces in northern Baghlan province announced Afghan security forces have had a number of significant achievements in this province during the first few days of the current.

Provincial security chief Gen. Syed Zamanuddin Hussain told reporters, Afghan security forces handed over more than 2 tons of explosives and around 20 different weapons which were discovered and seized by Afghan security forces during the current year.

Gen. Hussaini further added, the militants were looking to carry out insurgency activities in this province using the explosives and weapons.

He also added no suspect has been detained in connection to explosives and arms cache but the Afghan security forces have launched investigations to detain those involved behind keeping the arms for carrying out insurgency activities.

Residents of the northern Baghlan province praised the hard work of the Afghan police forces and urged the security officials to further equip and improve the security forces in this province.

This comes as Afghan police forces seized more than 2 tons of explosives and around 600 different types of weapons from various regions of this province last year.

Author: Ajmal Omeri, Baghlan province.
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