Monday, April 16, 2012

Apr.16.,2012. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan – Afghan and coalition forces killed nine insurgents, wounded one and captured 7 suspects in eastern Afghanistan during operations throughout the past 24 hours, April 15.

Laghman province
A coalition airstrike killed two insurgents after ground troops received small arms fire in Bad Pakh district.

Logar province
Coalition forces discovered a weapons cache containing 18 rocket-propelled grenades, 12 anti-tank mines, Afghan National Army and Afghan National Police uniforms, and an assortment of small arms and ammunition during operations in Azrah district. A majority of the cache has been destroyed and what remains is in coalition force custody.

Nangarhar province
A suicide bomber prematurely detonated outside Forward Operating Base Fenty in Beshood district, killing three insurgents involved and wounding one. Afghan Uniform Police discovered a weapons cache consisting of multiple rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 27 RPG rounds and an assortment of small arms upon search of the detonation site. The wounded insurgent was apprehended by AUP and brought in for questioning.

AUP detained seven suspects during a patrol in Mohmand Dara district. One detainee resisted and attempted to take an AUP weapon. The detainees are under AUP custody for questioning.

Paktiya province
A coalition airstrike killed four insurgents after Afghan and coalition forces received small arms and rocket-propelled fire in Gardez District. Insurgents wounded five civilians in the surrounding area. All wounded were taken to the Gardez Hospital for treatment where one woman died from her wounds.

Operations in RC-East are still ongoing.

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