Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Apr.17.,2012. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan – Afghan and coalition forces killed one insurgent and captured five suspects in eastern Afghanistan during operations throughout the past 24 hours, April 17.

Ghazni province

Afghan Uniformed Police killed one insurgent armed with an AK-47 as he attempted to charge the police on his motorcycle in Auins district. The body was searched afterward and found to have an AK-47, filled magazines and a communication radio.

Nangarhar province

Afghan National Security and coalition forces detained four insurgents found emplacing improvised explosive devises in Khugyani district. The detainees were enrolled in identification systems and are under custody of AUP.

Khowst province

Coalition forces detained one individual found to be a wanted insurgent in Khowst district. The detainee was brought to a base for questioning.

Operations in RC-East are still ongoing.

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