Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Apr.24.,2012. - RC-East operational update

BAGRAM, Afghanistan – Afghan and coalition forces killed three insurgents and captured five suspects in eastern Afghanistan during operations throughout the past 24 hours, April 24.

Laghman province
A coalition airstrike killed three armed insurgents emplacing an improvised explosive device in Mehtar Lam. An explosive ordnance disposal team disabled the IED and brought it to a controlled area for detonation.

Khowst province
Afghan Uniform Police detained three individuals in Khowst district who are suspects in a recent indirect fire attack on a coalition force base. The individuals were transported to a base for questioning.

Coalition forces detained one suspect armed with an AK-47 in Shamal district. The detainee was brought to a base for questioning under ANA custody.

ANA soldiers and coalition forces detained one suspect with matching biometrics in Sarabi district. The detainee was found near an IED discovery.

Operations in RC-East are still ongoing.

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