Tuesday, May 29, 2012

R.I.P. - Captain Stephen James Healey

Captain Stephen Healey (picture: via MOD)
Captain Stephen James Healey killed in Afghanistan

A Military Operations news article

27 May 12

It is with sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Captain Stephen James Healey, from 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh, was killed in Afghanistan yesterday, Saturday 26 May 2012.

Captain Healey commanded the Combined Force Burma reconnaissance platoon and, whilst conducting a vehicle patrol in the north of the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province, his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device. He was given immediate first aid before being flown to the military hospital at Camp Bastion where, sadly, his death was confirmed.

Captain Stephen James Healey
Captain Stephen Healey (picture: via MOD)
Captain Healey was born on 19 September 1982 in Cardiff. On leaving school he became a semi-professional footballer; playing for a number of clubs in the South Wales area including an apprenticeship with Swansea City. He continued to play whilst completing a degree in Sports Science at Swansea University. He joined the Army in 2007 and was commissioned into the 1st Battalion The Royal Welsh in 2008.
In 2009 he was awarded a Mention in Dispatches for his actions on Op HERRICK 11 as the Officer Commanding 4 Platoon, B Company. In 2011 he was selected to command the reconnaissance platoon and led their Op HERRICK 16 deployment. He deployed to Afghanistan on 9 March 2012, where he took over responsibility at Checkpoint Langar as part of Combined Force Burma.
Captain Healey leaves behind his father John, mother Kerry, brother Simon and girlfriend Thea.

Read more at MOD.UK website: http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/MilitaryOperations/CaptainStephenJamesHealeyKilledInAfghanistan.htm

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