Thursday, June 28, 2012

Afghan villagers fighting Taliban militants killed in Ghazni

According to local authorities in eastern Ghazni province an unknown gunmen shot dead five local residents of Andar district in this province who resisted to fight the Taliban militants.

Provincial governor spokesman Fazal Mohammad Sabawoon confirming the report said the assailant militant was killed in cross fire.

Mr. Sabawoon further added the assailant militant had disguised himself among the local residents in Andar district and assassinated five people.

According to reports the deceased individuals started to resist fighting the Taliban militants around two months ago and forced Taliban militants to flee the area.

Taliban militants group claimed responsibility behind the assassination of the local residents and said one of their fighters opened fire on them from Badano village.

In the meantime reports suggest that a number of Taliban representatives have started negotiations with the local residents who are fighting against the Taliban militants.

Local residents in Ghazni province said they have started fight against the Taliban militants to reopen schools, clinics and resume other social activities which were blocked by Taliban fighters. They also said that no one has motivated them for the action.

By Sajad - Wed Jun 27, 7:08 pm
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