Monday, July 2, 2012

Two bomb planters die by own explosives in Wardak

Map of Afghanistan with Maidan Wardak highlighted
Map of Afghanistan with Maidan Wardak highlighted (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
KABUL (PAN): Two bomb planters were killed by their own explosives in the central province of Maidan Wardak, an official said on Monday.

The explosion occurred at 11:00 pm when the militants wanted to plant a roadside bomb in the Badam area of Narkh district, the governor’s spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Four other Taliban fighters wanted to take the dead bodies from the scene, but they were detained by the Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers, he said.

Two Kalashnikovs were recovered from the detainees who were sent to Maidan Shar for being interrogated, he said.

The area people want to hand the two dead bodies over to their relatives, a resident of the area, Naqib, said.

from Pajhwok
by Hakim Basharat on Jul 2, 2012 - 10:33

graphic image of the 2 dead
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