Sunday, August 12, 2012

Aug. 12., 2012. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan (August 11) – An Afghan and coalition security force detained three suspected insurgents during an operation to arrest an al-Qaida associated insurgent who is responsible for planning attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in Gelan district, Ghazni province, today.

The al-Qaida associated insurgent also coordinates the movement of al-Qaida terrorists throughout the region.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


Also in Gelan district, Ghazni province, a second Afghan and coalition security force detained multiple suspected insurgents and seized several kilograms of explosives during an operation to arrest a Taliban leader today. The leader plans and directs attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces. The explosives were safely destroyed by the security force.


An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested multiple insurgents during an operation in Kabul today. The Afghan security force arrested the insurgents as they were finalizing plans for an attack in the capital. During the operation, the Afghan security force seized a large cache of explosives, suicide vest components, weapons and ammunition the insurgents had stockpiled for the attack.

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