Saturday, August 18, 2012

ISAF commander recognizes Afghan Independence Day

KABUL, Afghanistan – The following is a message from Gen. John R. Allen, International Security Assistance Force Commander:

“To the noble and honorable people of Afghanistan, Salam-u-Alaikum!

On behalf of all the members of the International Security Assistance Force, I offer my congratulations as you commemorate your independence.
English: General John R. Allen, USMC Commander...
English: General John R. Allen, USMC Commander, International Security Assistance Force and Commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is indeed a day of great national pride, a recognition of Afghanistan’s emergence as an independent nation 93 years ago. It is also an opportunity to celebrate your more recent but no less significant success in seizing control of your sovereign destiny.

For people who have suffered so much for so long, it may once have been difficult to envision a future normalized by stability, peace and prosperity. Today there is reason for hope.

Even as you have shed your blood and buried your martyrs, you have demonstrated your courage and resilience. You have done so in the faith that Afghanistan will one day be peaceful, prosperous and free.

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan continues to assume greater responsibility across the land. The process of transition will place you firmly in charge of your own future, with Afghan freedom secured by the Afghan government.

All Afghans can look forward to brighter days ahead, knowing that the International Community and ISAF will remain with you in unity as you seek peace and the blessings of liberty.

On behalf of everyone in this unprecedented 50-nation coalition that stands beside you, shona ba shona, I wish you all the best on this special day. We look forward to many years of continued friendship and cooperation.”

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