Friday, August 17, 2012

ISAF Commander’s Eid ul-Fitr Message

ISAF Logo. de: Schrift in Paschtu: کمک او همکا...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
KABUL, Afghanistan - The following is a statement from Gen. John Allen, commander of ISAF:

“On the eve of the most blessed celebration of Eid ul-Fitr, when the pious people of Afghanistan celebrate their faith and the Holy words of the Koran, once again Mullah Omar has issued an unmistakable message of death, hate and hopelessness for the Afghan people.

For normal members of the faithful, this should be a message of congratulations on the occasion of the ending of the holy period of Ramazan, but instead this message speaks to insurgent operations, revenge, death, lies and false unity among the killers.

Repeating the same insane language of previous years, Omar once again writes that his thugs should “pay close attention to the protection of life, property and honor…employ tactics that do not cause harm to life and property of the common countrymen.” Yet, as we saw in Nimroz and Kunduz Provinces just days ago, Omar sent his assassins to slaughter dozens of innocent Afghan men, women and children. In 2012 alone, hundreds of innocent Afghans have been killed by bombs built and detonated by Omar’s people. Either Omar is lying, or his henchmen are not listening to him, but it is clear that innocent Afghan civilians are paying the price for his corrupt leadership.

While Omar rests comfortably from afar, he continues to send young brain-washed men to carry out attacks in a fruitless cause. He professes love for his fighters, yet he sends them to their deaths by the hundreds. Where is the vision that Omar speaks of? Where is the love he professes for the Afghan people? Are these not the acts of a deranged man who puts his own goals of personal domination ahead of the future of the Afghan people?

This latter point is most apparent when Omar speaks about education in this year’s Eid message. He insults the Afghan people when he says his movement “…considers education as a main factor for advancement of its beloved people in this world and a cause for their prosperity in the world to come.” Not true. Omar’s people have burned numerous schools, built by the Government of Afghanistan and the Coalition, as examples of his true belief in education for the Afghan children.

Omar also says his thugs have infiltrated the ranks of Afghanistan’s legitimate armed forces. The pride of the Afghan people has been smeared by killers who pose as Soldiers and police, yet they represent the worst of humanity. Today, the Afghan Army and National Police are trying to build a better future for the Afghan people, yet Omar wants to stop these efforts. Coalition forces are here to help the people; we have no other reason for being here other than to make Afghanistan a stable country, founded on educated and healthy citizens.

If Omar’s Eid message were true to his written word, he would stop slaughtering innocent Afghans. He would recognize that his movement does not have the will or capability to make Afghanistan a prosperous state, at peace with its neighbors, and a viable member of the international community.”

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