Saturday, December 29, 2012

Clash continues on Jalalabad-Torkham road

Jalalabad District is located in the north-wes...
Districts of Nangarhar Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
JALALABAD (PAN): Armed insurgents attacked a convoy of trucks carrying logistic supplies for foreign troops in the Batikot district of eastern Nangarhar province, sparking a fierce gun-battle with Afghan security forces, an official said on Saturday.

The clash has stopped traffic on the Torkham-Jalalabad highway since noon at the third farm area near the Pakistani border, the town's administrative chief, Mirza Mohammad Nusrat, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Witness Nabidullah said a severe clash was ongoing in the area, with both sides suffering casualties. The resident had no figures for  causalities.

from Pajhwok
By Mahbob Shah Mahbob Dec 29, 2012 - 14:53

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