Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec. 16., 2012. - ISAF Joint Command Morning Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban facilitator during an operation in Jalalabad district, Nangarhar province Dec. 16.

The facilitator provided direct support to the insurgents who conducted the Dec. 2 attack on Jalalabad Airfield.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


An Afghan security force, supported by coalition troops, arrested a Taliban leader and detained two suspected insurgents during an operation in Kandahar district, Kandahar province, Dec. 15. The leader supplied insurgents with weapons and ammunition, coordinated attacks and oversaw the transfer of homemade explosives and improvised explosive device materials.

An Afghan and coalition security force discovered an improvised explosive device cache Dec. 15 during a security operation in Washir district, Helmand province. The cache contained seven IEDs, weapons and IED-making materials. All the items found in the cache were destroyed by the combined security force.

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