Monday, December 31, 2012

In Several Joint Clearance Operations, 10 Armed Taliban Killed (31.Dec.2012.)

Publish Date: Dec 31, 2012
In Several Joint Clearance Operations, 10 Armed Taliban Killed

During the past 24 hours, Afghan National Police, Afghan National Army, NDS and Coalition Forces launched nine joint clearance operations in Kunar, Baghlan, Kandahar, Maidan Wardak, Logar and Ghazni provinces.

As a result of these operations, 10 armed Taliban were killed, one wounded and nine others were arrested by Afghan National Security Forces.

Also, during these operations, Afghan National Police discovered and confiscated eight AK-47 rifles, one PK machine gun, one rocket launcher, 10 mortar rounds and six anti-vehicle mines.

In the meantime, two armed Taliban (mine planters) were killed by their own explosives while they were planting an anti-vehicle mine in the main road of Grashk District of Helmand province yesterday.
The 101 Kabul Zone National Police detained three suspects accused of murder in the 8th and 11th Districts of Kabul-City yesterday.
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