Sunday, December 30, 2012

Logar residents warn to uprise against Taliban militants

Hundreds of local residents in eastern Logar province of Afghanistan warned to uprise against the Taliban militants in this province.

A number of local tribal elders following a meeting with the provincial governor on Saturday expressed their concerns regarding the growing violence by Taliban militants.

Provincial governor spokesman Din Mohammad Darwish said residents of central districts and remote villages in Logar province have vowed to fight the Taliban militants who are creating troubles for the local residents.

He said, “They (local residents) said we are ready to uprise against the Taliban militants if they did not stop their violence and killings of the innocent civilians. The local government vowed to visit the volatile regions in a bid to prevent the killing of civilians by Taliban fighters.”

This comes as target killings and instability has dramatically increased in eastern Logar province of Afghanistan recently.

A number of reconstruction labors were also among those killed by the Taliban militants and their colleagues met with the provincial governor to share the issue.

A demonstration was also expected to be organized against the civilian killing however due to unknown reasons the protest was not held.

Districts of Logar. This image does not includ...
Districts of Logar. This image does not include Azra district, located to the east of Khoshi and Mohammad Agha. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Meanwhile local officials recently said they will deploy 700 local police officers and public protection forces in various locations of Logar province but it seems the decision was not implemented after local residents on Saturday prepared for a public uprising.

Growing violence by Taliban militants also forced a number of the Afghan families to flee in capital Kabul and also a number of the Chinese workers in Aynak copper mine left the area and went to China.

An Afghan lawmakers Mohammad Akbar Stanekzai earlier also warned that the Taliban group will possibly take control of several districts in this province.

Local security officials in Logar province criticize Pakistan and Iran for growing violence in this province in a bid to put pressure and destabilize capital Kabul.

By Meena Haseeb - December 30 2012, 9:39 am

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