Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In Several Joint Clearance Operations, Nine Armed Taliban Arrested (Feb.05.2013.)

Publish Date: Feb 05, 2013
In Several Joint Clearance Operations, Nine Armed Taliban Arrested

During the past 24 hours, Afghan National Police, Afghan National Army, NDS and Coalition Forces launched four joint clearance operations in Kandahar, Uruzgan and Helmand provinces.

As a result of these operations, nine armed Taliban were arrested by Afghan National Security Forces.

Also, during these operations, Afghan National Police discovered and confiscated some amount of light and heavy rounds ammunition, IEDs and eight anti-vehicle mines.

During the same 24 hour period, Afghan National Police discovered and defused five different types of mines in Nangarhar and Khost provinces yesterday.
Afghan National Police arrested to smugglers with 13 kilos of opium in the Shirzad district of Nangarhar province and Mahtarlam city capital of Laghman province yesterday.
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