Saturday, April 6, 2013

Apr. 06., 2013. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan and coalition security force killed Darah-ye Pech district's highest-ranking Taliban official, Haji Matin, and one other insurgent during an operation in Darah-ye Pech district, Kunar province, yesterday.

Matin was involved in a number of significant insurgency operations and was personally responsible for moving insurgent fighters into Afghanistan and directing their activities in Kunar province. He maintained operational control over a significant number of local fighters responsible for the execution of civilian supporters of the Afghan government, assassination attempts against Afghan National Security Force officials, and multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout


The Kapisa Provincial Response Company, aided by coalition forces, killed an insurgent who attacked the combined force during a high-risk arrest in Kapisa province Friday. As a result of the operation, the combined force seized a substantial amount of explosives, illegal weapons and Taliban propaganda materials.

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