Friday, April 12, 2013

Bob Bergdahl, the father of current POW, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl speaks Out

today Patrick J. Hughes has left a new comment on my site,
so i'm posting this video now here:

Published on Apr 10, 2013
On Tuesday, 9 April 2013 there was a Freedom March held in Washington, DC. by P.O.W. Activist Organization "Honor-Release-Return"

Bob Bergdahl, the father of current POW, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl and Former POWs Mike Benge, Larry Stark, Carmel Whetzel to speak.

Beginning with a wreath-laying at the war memorials, followed by a march to the steps of the U.S. Capitol building, and featuring speeches by Bob Bergdahl, father of current POW, SGT. Bowe Bergdahl, Afghanistan, captured June 2009, currently being held by the Taliban aligned Haqqani network in Pakistan, Mike Benge, Prisoner of War, Vietnam, Larry Stark, Prisoner of War, Vietnam, Carmel Whetzel, Prisoner of War, WWII, and Roger Hall, POW/MIA activist and Bob 'Bulldog' Ousley, Major, US Army (Retired) They will focus on demanding that the U.S. government formally request and negotiate for the return of all live Americans who are in captivity in foreign countries, and negotiate for information concerning Americans unaccounted for and believed to be held captive in Southeast Asia, Russia, North Korea, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Patrick J. Hughes U.S.M.C. ChuLai 67-68
Rolling Thunder Inc. National Photographer
YouTube: mag12chulai
God Bless America 
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Thanks for posting Sgt. Jim

Semper Fi,


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