Monday, April 8, 2013

Explosion in Wardak kill 9 civilians and injures 22 others

Map of Afghanistan with Maidan Wardak highlighted
Map of Afghanistan with Maidan Wardak highlighted (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to police officials in central eastern Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan, at least 9 civilians were killed and 22 others were injured following a roadside bomb explosion in this province.

Provincial police chief spokesman Abdul Wali Noorzai confirming the report said the incident took place around 9am local time on Monday morning after a civilian bus struck with a roadside bomb.

The vehile was reportedly moving towards Kabul city from eastern Ghazni province of Afghanistan when the incident took place.

Mr. Noorzai further added that at least 9 people including a woman and 22 others including two women were injured.

No group has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

Taliban militants and other insurgent groups in Afghanistan frequently use improvised explosive device to target Afghan and coalition security forces which normally leads to civilian casualties.

By Meena Haseeb - 08 Apr 2013, 11:35 am

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