Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11., 2013. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a senior Taliban leader and two other insurgents during an operation in Marjeh district, Helmand province, May 11.

The senior leader is in charge of a cell of fighters responsible for direct and indirect-fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also coordinates improvised explosive device and suicide bomber operations throughout Kandahar province and is involved in insurgent weapons facilitation.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


Afghan Provincial Response Company Zabul, enabled by coalition forces seized 350 pounds of ammonium nitrate, aluminum powder and several other IED making materials during cordon and search operations in the Shah Joy and Gelan districts of Zabul province, May 10. The purpose of the operation was to disrupt insurgent networks and degrade lethal aid facilitation in the area. The seized IED making materials were destroyed on site.


An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Haqqani leader and one other insurgent during an operation in Zurmat district, Paktiya province, May 11. The leader has operational control over a cell of fighters responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He is also involved in the construction and emplacement of IEDs throughout Paktiya province. The security force also seized one sub-machine gun, ammunition and IED-making material as a result of the operation.

Afghan National Army Special Forces and Coalition Forces killed one insurgent and wounded one other in Mehtar Lam district, Laghman province, May 9. The joint forces were conducting a patrol to visit Afghan Local Police checkpoints along the Alingar valley when insurgents engaged the forces with indirect and small arms fire.

Responding to an attack on the Afghan Local Police, an Afghan Security Forces quick reaction force killed 10 insurgents in Qara Bagh district, Ghazni province, May 10. The Afghan force engaged more than 30 dismounted insurgents armed with small arms and RPGs shortly after being dispatched by the district Operation Coordination Center. Following the engagement the security force recovered three motorcycles, two AK-47 rifles and one RPG.

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