Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13., 2013. - ISAF Joint Command Operational Update

KABUL, Afghanistan – An Afghan Uniformed Police quick reaction force killed three insurgents and wounded two others in Andar district, Ghazni province, yesterday.

The district chief of police dispatched the QRF after two Afghan Local Police contacted the District Operation Coordination Center for assistance. The two ALP members were surrounded and receiving small arms fire from 10 insurgents when the AUP arrived on location. Five insurgents retreated from the exchange.

This marks the second instance in less than 48 hours where multiple Afghan Security Force elements, working through the District OCC, combined efforts to defeat Taliban attacks against Afghan Local Police positions, a growing positive trend within the ANSF operational framework.

In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


Afghan and coalition security forces detained a Taliban leader and one other insurgent during an operation in Faizabad district, Jowzjan province, yesterday. The leader is responsible for conducting improvised explosive device attacks in Jowzjan and Balkh provinces. He has facilitated weapons and ammunition to a network of Taliban fighters for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces, collected taxes from local civilians to fund insurgency operations and provided intelligence on coalition force movement to senior Taliban leadership.


An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban leader and two other insurgents during an operation in Dand district, Kandahar province, today. The leader has operational control over a group of insurgents responsible for improvised explosive device and complex attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He also facilitates the movement of weapons in Kandahar City and is involved in the construction of IEDs.

An Afghan and coalition security force arrested one insurgent during an operation in search of a senior Taliban leader in Marjeh district, Helmand province, today. The leader is in charge of at least seven separate groups of Taliban insurgents responsible for attacks on Afghan and coalition forces throughout Helmand province. He is involved in all stages of operations, including procuring weapons and ammunition, planning attacks and executing those plans. He and his insurgent fighters are also involved in kidnapping Afghan National Security Force members. The security force also seized a PKM rifle and ammunition as a result of the operation.

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