Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Premature blast kills 8 would-be suicide bombers in S. Afghanistan

KABUL, June 5 (Xinhua) -- Eight would-be suicide bombers were killed as their explosive device went off prematurely in Zabul province, 340 km south of Afghan capital Kabul, on Wednesday, Interior Ministry said in a statement released here.

"A group of eight suicide bombers linked to the Taliban outfit were killed by the accidental blast of their own explosive material while they were organizing terrorist attacks in Now Bahar district of Zabul province today," the statement added.

The deadly blast took place in the house of a Taliban local commander Mullah Sababullah, leaving him along with seven other Taliban fighters dead, the statement contended.

Taliban militants who are largely relying on suicide and roadside bombing have yet to make comment.

2013-06-05 20:38:58
Editor: Chen Zhi

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