Saturday, December 10, 2011

Britain to Start Afghanistan Exit in Late 2013

British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province.Image via Wikipedia
London, Dec 9 -- Exit of some 4,000 British soldiers from Afghanistan before the end of 2013 depends on next week’s National Security Council approval, says The Guardian.

  The daily says the initiative submitted to PM David Cameron enjoys support from at least another two cabinet brass, among other, to help reduce expenses in 10-year military campaign and ease the national economic plight of high unemployment dragging Britain into another recession with the Eurozone debt crisis.

In Helmand province the UK ranks would be shrunk from 9,000 to 5,000 in 2013 and similar number would follow in 2014, leaving few hundred troops in Kabul to finalize the US-led NATO occupation started in 2001 claiming defeat of the Taliban regime.

Such stand is viewed as a challenge to the US-led Western mission since their presence is seen a key to keep up the coalition and prevent intestine fractures; while amore radical choice is to bring home some 2,500 troops along the first 4,000.
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