Saturday, December 10, 2011

Three Afghan police officer killed in Taliban ambush

Saturday, December 10, 2011 – According to local authorities in southern Afghanistan, at least three Afghan national police forces were killed in a Taliban ambush in southern Helmand province early Saturday morning.

Deputy for the provincial joint forces coordination centre Gen. Mohammad Ismail Hotak confirming the report said, the incident took place around 10:00 am local time after the Taliban militants ambushed a convoy of the Afghan national police forces in Nawzad district of southern Helmand province, killing at least three police officers.

The source further added, the vehicle of the Afghan national police forces was also damaged as a result of the rocket attack by the militants.

Nawzad district located in the north of Helmand province is considered to be one of the volatile regions in Helmand province where Afghan security forces and coalition forces launched a cleanup operation earlier to remove the Taliban militants from the area.

Deputy for the provincial joint forces coordination centre Gen. Mohammad Ismail Hotak also said, another police officer was killed in Lashkargah city following clashes with the Taliban militants on Friday.

In the meantime, officials in the ministry of interior affairs of Afghanistan following a statement on Saturday said, at least 13 militants were killed and 8 others were detained following an operation by Afghan national police forces across the country during the past 24 hours.

The statement further added, the operations were conducted in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Ghazni and Farah provinces of Afghanistan during the past 24 hours.
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