Friday, December 2, 2011

Mississippi National Guard troops return from Afghanistan (+video)

GULFPORT, MS (WLOX) - A group of Mississippi National Guard members enjoyed a happy homecoming Thursday morning, just in time for the holidays.
The 231st survey and design team arrived home from Afghanistan.
And there were plenty of hugs and kisses and smiles when they arrived back in South Mississippi.
A band of brothers, fellow Guardsmen, were first to greet the returning troops with handshakes and high fives.
As spouses and sweethearts got lost in the moment, a toddler awaited Daddy.
"Here he comes! Look, there he is!" said Tara Kelly.
Commander Hugh Kelly was all smiles as he reunited with three-year-old Aiden, 14-year-old Taylor and his wife Tara.

Husband and daddy made it home for Christmas.
"Extremely important, outstanding trip! We had a great time making it here, and we're happy we got here," said a smiling Kelly.
"It's been kind of hard without him," said daughter Taylor. "But I'm happy he's home."
Months of separation seemed to melt away in the sea of smiles and welcome homes.
"It's tough, but it's worth it. This is what we wait for," said Tara Kelly.
Larry Ingram was quickly immersed in a family reunion.
"This is my son, Larry," said his proud mother.
"The travel has been the worst of it," said her happy son. "It's just good to be home."
Justin Grider said some days overseas passed more quickly thank others.
"We're going here and there, and we're staying busy. Sometimes it's a little slow. But we got it done. And we all came home, so that's all that matters," said the young Guardsman.
"You guys had a job to do. You went over there and did it. And you brought everybody back home, outstanding job," said Commander Ducksworth.
Family and friends hosted a reception at the USO for the returning troops. It's the happy homecoming they've been awaiting.

story by Steve Phillips
Read more at WLOX

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