Friday, December 2, 2011

VBIED attack against COP McClain in Logar province at friday morning 02., Friday, 2011, Afghanistan -

 at friday morning talibans announced on their website:

"A 50-year old martyr-attacker of Islamic Emirate, Muhammad Idrees hailing from eastern Nangarhar province, in a large truck packed with some 14000 kg explosives struck a military base of the US invading cowardly troops on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m., killing several dozens of the US invaders."

there is no official reports yet, but others said the blows was powerful, "hits Mahmad Agha district destroyed the district center and the nearby NGO care international building as well"

ISAFmedia twitter - 35 mins ago:
"No reports of ISAF fatalities from VBIED attack against COP McClain in Logar province." 

ISAFmedia twitter - 3 mins ago:
"We can confirm a VBIED incident today in Logar. No ISAF fatalities reported."

update from AFP &
Logar’s health director, Mohammad Zarif Nayebkhail, told AFP up to 70 people were taken to hospital with injuries from shrapnel or flying glass.
“Up to 70 wounded have been taken to the main hospital in the district — seven of them are (Afghan) security guards of Nato, the rest are civilians,” he said. “Several of the wounded were in a serious condition.” "

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