Wednesday, May 30, 2012

8 civilians killed following separate explosions in Nangarhar

Jalalabad District is located in the north-wes...
Nangarhar Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
According to local authorities in eastern Nangarhar province at least 8 Afghan civilians were killed following explosion in this province.

The officials further added the incident took place at Khogyani district after unknown gunmen attacked a residential house with hand grenades killing at least 5 family members including an Afghan child.

In a separate incident at least 3 people were killed following an explosion at Haska Mina in this province, local officials said.

Provincial governor spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai said the incident took place after after a vehicle carrying two government employees along with a local tribal elder, struck with the roadside bomb.

No group including the Taliban militants have so far claimed responsibility behind the incident.

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